Saturday, March 1, 2008


The laziness to update my blog is creeping up on me already. Need to keep up with my resolution to update this blog once a week, at least... :).. ok, on to things then..
Life has been good to me... these past few weeks have been great and going at a more comfortable rate, well, more due to the cancellations of some plans (ie skydiving and rafting) and that I'm getting more comfortable at where I'm at. Also, I've spoken to the big boss about my next MOPEX posting and he has given me favourable replies.. yay!!!.. one hurdle down. Now is the time to read up more on Medical informatics before I start my training proper in April and the posting itself in May. Had to stop running training for the past 2 days though, my left runner's knee really working up nowadays. Just changed shoes today, so hopefully the run tonight won't be painful. Hmm..stumped by a busted knee..

Well, couldn't get the skydiving permit in time.. so no skydiving in February, might postpone it to April or May cos wanna focus on the KL marathon in March. That reminds me, Rebecca is heading on to Japan to do grad studies... hehe got another kaki there to get me stuff from then on. The rafting was plan also postponed...elections coming along, and not all are free... so that relieved me from this weekend's trip. phew..get to rest... but all that said, i still managed to squeeze in a scuba diving trip this March. Will take up the theory course next week and finally go for the dive on the 21-23 weekend. The marathon is on the next week, but will be heading on KL on the 27th to celeb bdae there.. got my leaves approved already!! So KL, here I come..

March is gonna be really exciting for me, with bdae coming along and all the other funny stuff I plan to do. Decided to sign up on a dating agency to get myself out of the house more... we'll see how that turns out, will keep that bit updated later on. For now, I gotta keep my new running shoes on to keep my knee safe while walking around the house (no joking...the pain is soooo bad i almost twisted my calf trying to stabilise my knee). So till the next update ....
trudge on....

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